There will be Resonance : Abdulnasser Gharem

Abdulnasser Gharem, Camouflage, 2017, © Gharem Studio, photo courtesy of Gharem Studio

Abdulnasser Gharem, Camouflage, 2017, © Gharem Studio, photo courtesy of Gharem Studio

LACMA presents Pause,  the first solo exhibition of Saudi artist on display from April 16th through July 2nd.

Amidst the current political situation, launching an exhibition of Abdulnasser Gharem, a Muslim, and Arab and a lieutenant colonel in the Saudi Arabian Army - it’s a challenge. But then again, when did LACMA followed the conventional ways?  

His first solo exhibition in the U.S, curated by Linda Komaroff, features 11 remarkable works of sculpture, stamp paintings, prints and films. Pause was created in the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, and hopefully, will serve as a reminder that terrorism is experienced on a global scale. 

Abdulnasser, Pause, 2016, from the series ‘Restored Behaviour’, © Gharem Studio, photo courtesy of Gharem Studio

Abdulnasser, Pause, 2016, from the series ‘Restored Behaviour’, © Gharem Studio, photo courtesy of Gharem Studio

LACMA 将会展出 Pause,这是沙特艺术家的第一个个人展览,将于4月16日至7月2日进行展览。

当前政治形式下,为信仰穆斯林教的沙特阿拉伯陆军中校 Abdulnasser Gharem 举办展览是一个挑战。但是 LACMA 什么时候又遵循过世俗的方式呢?

他在美国的第一个个人展览,由 Linda Komaroff 负责,展出11件杰出的雕塑,印章画,印刷和电影作品。Pause 创作于惨烈的911事件之后,并且将提醒人们恐怖主义正在全球范围内发生。

Abdulnasser Gharem, Hemisphere2017, © Gharem Studio, photo courtesy of Gharem Studio

Abdulnasser Gharem, Hemisphere2017, © Gharem Studio, photo courtesy of Gharem Studio

The Maker