Choreography as exhibition

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker WorkTravailArbeid, performed in May 2015 © Anne Van Aerschot

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker WorkTravailArbeid, performed in May 2015 © Anne Van Aerschot

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker explores this question in her Work/Travail/Arbeid, presented in MoMA, starting March 29th. 

De Keersmaeker is not new to reimagining her stage performances for the museum spaces, but Work/Travail/Arbeid is something different. This time, one of the most prominent dancer/choreographers imagines the choreogprahy in relation to the practices of exhibition. The dancers and musicians are going to reinterpret dance in the space of MoMA Marron Atrium in the form of a five-day exhibition. It means, that during the public hours, it will be continuously accessible to the audience. The practice of dance, as you’ve never experienced it. 

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. WorkTravailArbeid. 2015. Performed February 26–March 6, 2016, Centre Pompidou, Paris. Photo Anne Van Aerschot. © Anne Van Aerschot

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. WorkTravailArbeid. 2015. Performed February 26–March 6, 2016, Centre Pompidou, Paris. Photo Anne Van Aerschot. © Anne Van Aerschot

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker在3月29日开启的现代艺术博物馆中展示她的作品Work/Travail/Arbeid,探索展览中的舞蹈艺术。

对于博物馆中的舞台表演,De Keersmaeker的重新塑造并非首次,但是Work/Travail/Arbeid却完全不同。此次,将由最杰出的舞者/编舞者展现与展览实践有关的舞蹈艺术。舞者和音乐家将在现代艺术博物馆内,利用五天的展览期限重新解读此次舞蹈表演。这意味着,在展览时间内,观众可以不间断地观看表演,感受从未有过的舞蹈艺术震撼。

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. WorkTravailArbeid. 2015. Performed July 8–10, 2016, Tate Modern, Turbine Hall. Photo Anne Van Aerschot. © Anne Van Aerschot

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. WorkTravailArbeid. 2015. Performed July 8–10, 2016, Tate Modern, Turbine Hall. Photo Anne Van Aerschot. © Anne Van Aerschot

The Maker