Photographic heart of Moscow - MAMM
Hiroshi Sugimoto. Boden Sea, Uttwil. 1993. © Hiroshi Sugimoto. Courtesy of Gallery Koyanagi
There is a place in Russia, where photography lives and breathes in the inviting space, filled with light, labyrinths of white lines and staircases. One of the most dynamic spaces dedicated exclusively to photography and video art, Multimedia Art Museum in Moscow became a center of the beehive in the photography life of the city. Museum regularly hosts amazing exhibitions, workshops and lectures, inviting ‘big names photographers and artists’. As part of the Photo Biennale, MAMM currently hosts several exhibitions of Russian and international photographers including Hiroshi Sugimoto, Osamu Shiibara, Sebastiao Salgado, Steve Fitch, Sergey Chilikov and others. One thing is for certain: without this museum, Moscow’s contemporary art scene would lose some of its burgeoning glow.
Hiroshi Sugimoto. Goshen, Indiana. 1980. © Hiroshi Sugimoto. Courtesy of Gallery Koyanagi
莫斯科的摄影腹地---Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow (莫斯科多媒体艺术博物馆)
在俄罗斯,有那样一个地方所有的照片得以在舒适的空间里展现,仿佛被赋予了生命,充斥在这个拥有温暖白光的地方。莫斯科的多媒体艺术博物馆,是一个专门展现摄影作品及影像艺术作品的地方,可谓是城市生活中,摄影爱好者的最佳去处,同时也是很多摄影作品的集中之地。博物馆会定期举办一些展览、研讨会和讲座,都非常引人注目。同时也会邀请一些接触的摄影师和艺术家前来参展。作为摄影双年展的一部分,MAMM现在正展出一些俄罗斯及国际著名摄影师的作品包括了Hiroshi Sugimoto, Osamu Shiibara, Sebastiao Salgado, Steve Fitch, Sergey Chilikov等。有一点值得肯定的是,莫斯科摄影艺术博物馆一定为莫斯科当代艺术的成就中担当着不可小觑的角色。