Provincial Summer Shows

L’homme de Bessines, Fabrice Hyber, 2014. Courtesy Fabrice Hyber, Galerie Nathalie Obadia & Fondation Maeght Saint Paul Paris / Bruxelles © Photo : Marc Dommage

L’homme de Bessines, Fabrice Hyber, 2014. Courtesy Fabrice Hyber, Galerie Nathalie Obadia & Fondation Maeght Saint Paul Paris / Bruxelles © Photo : Marc Dommage

At the Villa Datris, a foundation for contemporary sculpture in picturesque L'Isle-sur-La-Sorgue, in the Vaucluse region of Provence, this year's summer exhibition explores nature in its multitude of facets -- peaceful, tumultuous, marvellous or disquieting, ranging from the Garden of Eden to ecological catastrophe.

Running until November 1,  the show "De Nature en Sculpture," brings together museum quality works by an international group of  65 artists, such as the Belgian ceramist Johan Creten's  troubling meditation on metamporphosis, "Why does Strange Fruit look so Sweet", and Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama's ode to joy, 'All About Happiness'.

The artists include Michel Blazy, David Nash, Giuseppe Penone and Eva Jospin. An installation by Nils-Udo graces the gardens of the villa.

Fondation Villa Datris,
7, Ave des 4 Otages
84800 L'Isle-sur-la Sorgue
tel -04 90 95 23 70

RUYI PATH 2017, Ai Wei Wei, Photo courtesy of Chateau La Coste

RUYI PATH 2017, Ai Wei Wei, Photo courtesy of Chateau La Coste

Not far from L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, set among vineyards in the countryside between the Luberon national park and  Aix-en-Provence, Chateau La Coste is a celebrated biodynamic winemaker, boutique hotel and art center.

This summer the chateau is celebrating the completion of a  permanent installation by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. Called  "Ruyi Path" -- a reference to the ceremonial scepter that symbolizes power and good fortune in Chinese history -- it's a pathway that weaves between forest trees to connect two ancient routes on the property.  Both sculptural and architectural, built with salvaged cobblestones from the neighboring port of Marseilles,  it gives a new life to stones rich in the history of Mediterranean trade and migration.

Also over the summer months works by British artist Tracey Emin  and Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto will be on show at the chateau.  "Surrounded by You",  Emin's first French monographic exhibition, runs 2 July -31 August. Twelve paintings will be on show, summing up her work over the last 10 years, together  with two monumental bronze sculptures made specially for this exhibition. Sugimoto's  show, "The Sea and the Mirror," will run until 3 September.

Chateau La Coste
2750 Route de la Cride
13610 Le Puy Ste Réparade

RED (INSIDE) 2007, Lamp, paper bag, pigment, speaker, audio CD player, cablesCourtesy estate rolf julius / Galerie Thomas Bernard – Cortex Athletico, Photo © Florent Larronde - Commissariat

RED (INSIDE) 2007, Lamp, paper bag, pigment, speaker, audio CD player, cables
Courtesy estate rolf julius / Galerie Thomas Bernard – Cortex Athletico, Photo © Florent Larronde - Commissariat

In the Bordeaux area of western France another contemporary arts space has just opened  in an even more famous vineyard at  Chateau Chasse-Spleen, one of France's  top wine-making houses.

Owners Céline and Jean-Pierre Foubet are showing off works from their contemporary art  collection  in the 18th century former monastery next to their chateau, from May to  October. The first exhibition is dedicated to contemporary sound artist Rolf Julius.

Château Chasse-Spleen
32, chemin de la Raze
33480 Moulis en Médoc
Tél :+33 (0)5 56 58 02 37

Poster of De Nature en Sculpture

Poster of De Nature en Sculpture


今年的夏季展览会将在平静,动荡,奇妙或令人不安的大自然中探索自然,在 Villa Datris,一个风景如画的 L'Isle-sur-La-Sorgue 当代雕塑协会,从伊甸园到生态灾难。

直到11月1日,展览 “De Nature en Sculpture” 将汇集了65位艺术家的国际小组的博物馆优质作品,例如比利时的陶瓷匠 Johan Creten 对困惑的冥想,“为什么奇怪的水果看起来很甜”,日本艺术家 Yayoi Kusama 的喜悦,“一切关于幸福”。

艺术家包括 Michel Blazy,David Nash,Giuseppe Penone 和 Eva Jospin。 Nils-Udo 的安装可以欣赏到别墅的花园。
别墅 Datris 基础设施。

7,Ave des 4 Otages
84800 L'Isle-sur-la Sorgue
tel -0490952370

Surrounded by you, Tracey Emin, Photo courtesy of Chateau La Coste

Surrounded by you, Tracey Emin, Photo courtesy of Chateau La Coste

距离 L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue 不远处,坐落在 Luberon 国家公园和艾克斯普罗旺斯的乡村之间的葡萄园中,Chateau La Coste 是著名的生物动力酿酒师,精品酒店和艺术中心。

今年夏天,这个城堡正在庆祝中国艺术家艾未未的永久安装。被称为“路易之路” - 是指象征中国历史上权力和好运的仪式权杖,它是在森林之间连接两条古代路线的途径。雕塑和建筑都是由邻近的马赛港修复的鹅卵石制成的,它为富有地中海贸易和移民史的石块创造了新的生命。

另外在夏季,英国艺术家特雷西·艾明(Tracey Emin)和日本摄影师菅本弘雄(Sugosoto)将在城堡举行演出。 “围绕着你”,Emin 的第一个法国专题展览将于8月2日至8日举行。十几幅绘画将在过去十年中展出,总结了两幅专门用于本次展览的古铜色雕塑作品。杉本的表演“海与镜”将持续至9月3日。

2750 Route de la Cride
13610 Le Puy SteRéparade

STONEGARDEN (MONOCHROME), Détail - 2010, Stones, speaker, MP3 player, wires, audioCourtesy estate rolf julius / Galerie Thomas Bernard – Cortex Athletico, Photo © Florent Larronde - Commissariat

STONEGARDEN (MONOCHROME), Détail - 2010, Stones, speaker, MP3 player, wires, audio
Courtesy estate rolf julius / Galerie Thomas Bernard – Cortex Athletico, Photo © Florent Larronde - Commissariat

在法国西部的波尔多地区,另一个当代艺术空间刚刚在法国顶级葡萄酒庄庄之一 Chateau Chasse-Spleen 的一个更加的有名葡萄园开幕。

业主 Céline 和 Jean-Pierre Foubet 从5月至10月在其庄园旁边的18世纪前修道院的当代艺术作品中展出作品。第一届展览致力于当代音响艺术家罗尔夫·朱利叶斯(Rolf Julius)。

32,chemin de la Raze
33480 Moulis enMédoc

The Maker