From Trash Isles to #FCKHIV: CannesLions Design

Save our Species for Lacoste

The feast of advertising creativity, also known as Cannes Lions is in full swing. Here’s who is bringing home the Design Lions this year. 

Some top-level marketers are gathering in this seaside resort town this week to celebrate the year’s best advertisements. Others nervously refresh the shortlist page, awaiting the results, while those who didn’t submit their work to the ‘Oscars of the ad world” can indulge in simply following the ad ceremony battle unfolding. 

The 65th annual Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity has an array of sections and nominations, with Design Lions winners already announced on June 19th. This category rewards visual craftsmanship, and this year the Designs Lions Grand Prix went to AMVBBDO for “Trash Isles” for a creative way to bring attention to a pressing environmental issue. If you look at the winners list, you can’t help but notice, that Environment and socially-focused work seem the most rewarded this year. Save our Species for Lacoste scored a Golden Lion, Inequality Balls for ESPNW, Dead Whale for Greenpeace, Gallery of Emerging Species  won a Silver Lions, Viacom MTV's #FCKHIV got a Bronze Lion. See more of the amazing work listed.

Inequality Balls for ESPNW

本周,一些顶级营销人员聚在这个海滨度假小镇庆祝今年的最佳广告。另一些人则紧张地刷新着入围名单等待结果,而那些没有提交作品给oscar of the ad world的人,则可以在广告颁奖典礼后简单的放松一下。
第65届戛纳创意节每年都会有一系列的创意和提名,而获奖者已于6月19日公布。这个类别奖励视觉艺术,今年的Designs Lions Grand Prix奖项被AMVBBDO的Trash Isles获得,其以一种创造性的方式将群众注意力引向迫切的环境问题。如果你看看获奖者名单,你会发现,今年以环境和社会关注的工作为主题的是收获最多的。Save our Species for Lacoste获得金奖,Inequality Balls for ESPNW、Dead Whale for Greenpeace以及Gallery of Emerging Species获得银奖,Viacom MTV's #FCKHIV获得了铜奖。你也可以在列出的清单上看到更过的令人惊叹的作品。

Gallery of Emerging Species

The Maker