Prada’s Science Fiction
Stills of Nylon Farm
The fashion house has released the first chapter of its new episodic film project Nylon Farm, where mammals are cyborg and fleece is harvested via alternate reality technology.
Stills of Nylon Farm
You can’t help but remember Philip K.Dick’s science fiction novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, when you see the first chapter of Prada’s new film project. The brand decided to tell the story of its signature nylon and quest for innovation in a special way. The story of a woman who enters the futuristic farm inhabited by black nylon sheep will unfold on Prada’s social media on June 1, 4 and 9 when the next episodes are unveiled.
Stills of Nylon Farm
这家时装公司已经发布了其新情节电影项目Nylon Farm的第一章,在这部影片中,哺乳动物是半机械的,羊毛是通过交替的现实技术收获的。
Stills of Nylon Farm
当你看到Prada新电影项目的第一章时,你不禁会想起Philip K.Dick的科幻小说Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep。该品牌决定以一种特殊的方式讲述其特色尼龙的故事以及追求创新。6月1日、4日和9日,当下一章揭幕时,一位以黑色尼龙进入未来农场居住的女子的故事将在Prada的社交媒体上呈现。