The Boy's Club of Hollywood
No doubt, we have achieved a lot since the only appropriate role for a woman used to be a silent housewife with no ambitions, but in a lot of cases the wins of woman’s battle for equality don’t feel so global and all-consuming. As hard as it may be for ordinary people to relate to A-list stars’ problems, the gender pay gap scandal is an alarming indicator that reflects many other sectors and industries. Just as it happens in Hollywood, it is a sort of magnified version of reality.
A few years later, the scandalous Sony email hack shedding light on the difference in payment of male and female actors, still echoes loud and clear. It urged a number of female celebrities to openly express their indignation. Jennifer Lawrence, for instance, penned a sincere essay, where she revealed the outrage she felt getting to know that every man she worked with has been paid more. But the outrage was mostly directed at herself for not negotiating.
The Guardian interviewed several prominent women of the industry, including Emma Watson, who launched a #HeForShe campaign to support her UN efforts on the issue. Gwyneth Paltrow also has been quite vocal on the problem along with several female directors like Lexi Alexander and Sarah Gavron sharing the horrendous prejudice they’ve encountered when being the best suitable candidate, they lost a job on many occasions for simple and old gender issues. It can be painful to get paid less then men for doing the same thing, but project the situation to the lives of non-celebrities out of the media radar, and you’ll see that the battle for female equality has just begun.