Fearless Beauty : Clé de Peau Beauté


For one night Shanghai's Peace Hotel seemed to transcend in time again to its glorious roaring jazz epoch, hosting a stars-packed event in its lavish interiors.

Shiseido group chose to unveil the new collection of its high-prestige brand Clé de Peau Beauté, themed ‘Fearless Beauty’ and inspired by one of the most provocative women who defined Art Deco period—Tamara de Lempica.

Cutting-edge science combined with exquisite aesthetic sense is what makes the ultra-luxurious skincare and makeup brand Clé de Peau Beauté, which explores the meaning of beauty with every new line.

A/W 2016 collection unveiled on June 16th in Shanghai celebrates unrestrained, alluring and provocative women like Tamara de Lempica, a memorable Art Deco artist, who lived an adventurous life.

Amanda Seyfried’s luminous sophistication and natural radiance capture the very essence of Clé de Peau Beauté; the actress has been a brand muse since 2011. She and sensation-artist Ashley Longshore, who collaborated with CPB for the new line, both attended the event.


资生堂集团选择推出其高端品牌肌肤之钥(Clé de Peau Beauté)新产品,主题为“心无畏,美耀现”,美术灵感来自一位新锐艺术家Ashley Longshore,她定义了装饰派艺术风格。


A/W2016展会于6月16日在上海开幕,以颂扬潇洒迷人具有挑衅性的Ashley Longshore,这是一位令人难忘的装饰艺术的艺术家,她的生活充满冒险与挑战。

Amanda Seyfried的闪闪发光的成熟气质和自然的女神光芒完全符合肌肤之钥的本质;自2011年,她已成为品牌缪斯。她与新锐艺术家Ashley Longshore都参加了活动,Ashley Longshore为新产品线与肌肤之钥合作。

The Maker